Webinar: How energy storage is the key to ending Europe’s energy dependence

Michael Geyer

Senior Technical Advisor for utility scale power storage

Lars Stephan

Senior Manager Policy and Market Development

Thomas Lewis

Policy Officer

Jonathan Walters


Due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the high cost of gas, Europe is suffering a major energy crisis. Consequently, the European Commission has developed REpowerEU, a program that aims to cut off the EU’s dependance on Russian gas very quickly.  


One of the options to build market resilience in the European markets is to build trans-national high voltage transmission lines that make it possible to carry power long distances to share renewable energy resource and limit curtailment. The cost of this plan is staggering and riddled in nymbism and permitting nightmares.  


Energy storage is a better option to avoid curtailment and build grid resilience. This is why a group of pioneering companies have written an open letter to express the necessity of including more accurate energy storage targets. As it is, Europe cannot afford to curtail much needed renewable energy. In 2020 and 2021, the United Kingdom, a world-leader in offshore wind, curtailed enough energy to supply 800,000 homes a year.  


Join this webinar and learn how energy storage can help Europe balance supply and demand of electricity to end energy dependance of fossil fuels.  


  • Understand how energy storage can balance the European renewable potential to match supply and demand and minimize the need for additional infrastructure  
  • Study what curtailment is and how it affects grid infrastructure and energy investments overall, and what solutions are available to minimize it now   
  • Hear about the approach of leading energy storage markets to avoid the effects of curtailment 
  • Learn how the policy can be adapted to stimulate organic growth in the energy storage industry  
  • Consider the case of the Spanish market – with the largest variable renewable potential in Europe – and understand what opportunities and challenges you will face to develop and invest in energy storage 


Hosted by:

Webinar: How energy storage is the key to ending Europe’s energy dependence

Hosted by:

Michael Geyer

Senior Technical Advisor for utility scale power storage

Lars Stephan

Senior Manager Policy and Market Development

Thomas Lewis

Policy Officer

Jonathan Walters


Due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the high cost of gas, Europe is suffering a major energy crisis. Consequently, the European Commission has developed REpowerEU, a program that aims to cut off the EU’s dependance on Russian gas very quickly.  

One of the options to build market resilience in the European markets is to build trans-national high voltage transmission lines that make it possible to carry power long distances to share renewable energy resource and limit curtailment. The cost of this plan is staggering and riddled in nymbism and permitting nightmares.  

Energy storage is a better option to avoid curtailment and build grid resilience. This is why a group of pioneering companies have written an open letter to express the necessity of including more accurate energy storage targets. As it is, Europe cannot afford to curtail much needed renewable energy. In 2020 and 2021, the United Kingdom, a world-leader in offshore wind, curtailed enough energy to supply 800,000 homes a year.  


Join this webinar and learn how energy storage can help Europe balance supply and demand of electricity to end energy dependance of fossil fuels.  

  • Understand how energy storage can balance the European renewable potential to match supply and demand and minimize the need for additional infrastructure  
  • Study what curtailment is and how it affects grid infrastructure and energy investments overall, and what solutions are available to minimize it now   
  • Hear about the approach of leading energy storage markets to avoid the effects of curtailment 
  • Learn how the policy can be adapted to stimulate organic growth in the energy storage industry 
  • Consider the case of the Spanish market – with the largest variable renewable potential in Europe – and understand what opportunities and challenges you will face to develop and invest in energy storage