Webinar - CSP and Thermal Energy Storage: A glimpse of future technical innovations looking to improve efficiency and cost competitiveness

10 February at 11:00 EST | 17:00 CET (Check your local time)

Jean-Michel Wautelet

Business Developer & Sales Manager

Thomas Wray

VP Business Development

Belén Gallego

CEO [Moderadora]

As the world continues to shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy, the need to be able to collect, store and then generate green energy on demand, day and night becomes ever more pressing. A key element in meeting challenge is Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) coupled with Thermal Energy Storage (TES): the storage of energy by heating molten salt using sunlight during the day so that the stored energy can be used later for power generation and/or heating at the desired time. 

CSP with TES brings several key advantages and can be combined with PV generation to create (“hybrid”) projects, which maximizes the benefit of each individual technology. Solar PV is now the cheapest way to generate electricity in sun-drenched areas but as a Variable Renewable (VRE) its penetration is limited. Hybrid PV – CSP approaches are uniting two complementary technologies to deliver solar power whenever it is required, helping to increase the deployment of other intermittent renewable technologies.

In this webinar, you will learn from two CSP world leading companies how a CSP and TES technologies can become a key building block both technically and economically for renewable energy and industry:

  • Understand the benefits of frequency response from CSP during sunset, especially during the neck of the Duck Curve.
  • See how CSP and TES can be efficiently combined with other renewable technologies, such as PV and electrical heaters to improve grid resiliency.
  • Have a glimpse of future technical innovations looking to improve efficiency and cost competitiveness
  • Consider key lessons learnt from the major project implemented all around the world, in America, Africa, Middle East, Europe, Australia and China.


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CSP and Thermal Energy Storage: A glimpse of future technical innovations looking to improve efficiency and cost competitiveness

10 February at 11:00 EST | 17:00 CET (Check your local time)


Sponsored by:

Jean-Michel Wautelet

Business Developer & Sales Manager

Thomas Wray

VP Business Development

Belén Gallego

CEO [Moderadora]

ATA Insights media partners:

As the world continues to shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy, the need to be able to collect, store and then generate green energy on demand, day and night becomes ever more pressing. A key element in meeting challenge is Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) coupled with Thermal Energy Storage (TES): the storage of energy by heating molten salt using sunlight during the day so that the stored energy can be used later for power generation and/or heating at the desired time. 

CSP with TES brings several key advantages and can be combined with PV generation to create (“hybrid”) projects, which maximizes the benefit of each individual technology. Solar PV is now the cheapest way to generate electricity in sun-drenched areas but as a Variable Renewable (VRE) its penetration is limited. Hybrid PV – CSP approaches are uniting two complementary technologies to deliver solar power whenever it is required, helping to increase the deployment of other intermittent renewable technologies.

In this webinar, you will learn from two CSP world leading companies how a CSP and TES technologies can become a key building block both technically and economically for renewable energy and industry:

  • Understand the benefits of frequency response from CSP during sunset, especially during the neck of the Duck Curve.
  • See how CSP and TES can be efficiently combined with other renewable technologies, such as PV and electrical heaters to improve grid resiliency.
  • Have a glimpse of future technical innovations looking to improve efficiency and cost competitiveness
  • Consider key lessons learnt from the major project implemented all around the world, in America, Africa, Middle East, Europe, Australia and China.